What if you were born in space?

Hello guys
Have you ever think what happen if we were born in space 
Today i will tell you what happen if you were born in space and also many other facts.
So let's start.

#18 There is a temple in india which is situated in Thiruvananthapuram capital of Kerala state whose name is shreePadmanabhaswamy it contains more than 1 trillion dollar treasure and one of the richest temple in the world.

#17 The idea of wheel chair was first started by Charles Darwin to work fast in his office.

#16 78% of money of Steve Jobs came from Disney company not from Apple.Disney bought their Pixur company in place of stock.

#15 In 1978 an Indian guy (Pradyumna Kumar Mahanandia) went to Sweden to meet his Swedish wife in a cycle.it took 4 months to reach there and he cross 8 countries during his journey.

#14 80% of people hide their feelings from others because they think that others people cant understand their feeling.

#13 In 2008 government of Samoa ban in sale of alcohol for 3 days to avoid accidents as they changed in driving on the right to driving on the left.

#12 Graphene is the world most powerful material which is 1 million times lighter than paper but 100 time more powerful than steel.

#11 There is a phobia whose name is Cherophobia in which a person is afraid of being happy and of taking fun.

#10 Fifa world cup 2022,final match will occur in the Lusail city of Qatar,which is not situated in present.

#9 Nayakim Gatwech the model of Sudan have the darkest skin colour in the world and had achieved a significant popularity around the world.also known as the Queen of Darkness.

#8 If you want to know your IMEI numer of your mobile just type *#06#.

#7 Prince Charles and Prince William always travel in a different aeroplane because if there is any accident occur there must be one should alive.

#6 Terry Fox was a 21 year's old one legged cancer patient who run 3,339 miles across Canada to collect money for cancer patient's
Before dying.

#5 Nobody knows that who is the inventor of fire extinguisher because  patent was burned in fire.

#4 Horses who participate in olympic games travel in a business class and also have their own passport.

#3 you know how much is the weight of the earth
it is about
5,974,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg.
Our Earth is too big to calculate it's weight on scale so our scientists use mathematics and laws of the gravity to know it's weight.

#2 Mawlynnong is Asia cleanest village located in Meghalaya India it is also known as Gods on Garden.

#1 What if you were born in space? 
Short answer: The body would be much weaker. A child would have thinner legs, weak muscles, poor eyesight, a more swollen face and a higher than normal propensity for dementia later in life. 
Explanation: We are talking about an outer space which is 100 000 meters above the ground. If you were born at this height (zero gravity), what would you look like? In fact, we are not sure we can make babies in space. You may not realize it, but gravity plays an important role in the proper and healthy development of your body. In a zero gravity environment, things are very different. The enzyme responsible for stopping the movement of a sperm's queue does not work very well at zero gravity. In space, sperm swim faster and the fluid in the vestibular system floats around - it's confused. This can cause visual illusions, disorientation and motion sickness. It affects almost 50% of astronauts. In 1983, the Soviet Union sent pregnant rats to space and declared that the journey was more difficult for the mother than for the fetuses. Once babies were born when they returned to the ground, they were weaker, thinner, and had trouble finding directions. In addition, the mother lost about 25% of her body weight and underwent significant changes in her endocrine system. Body fluid is free to distribute itself evenly in space, giving space travelers their characteristic bird legs and puffy faces. In fact, the new fluid pressure on the face can compromise vision, and astronauts can lose up to 22% of their total blood volume, which leads to weaker atrophied hearts.
What happen if we born in space ?

Hope you guys like these facts 😊
