What if you were born in space?

20 amazing facts related with army and battles.


#20 Costa Rica is the only nation that don't have any army. president of Costa Rica José Figueres Ferrer  abolished the army after winning  the civil war.

#19 Germany and France suffer a lot in world war 1, France  lost about 4% of their male population. 

#18 Bhutan is the weakest country in Aisa having only 8000 army personnel.

#17 Russia has the maximum number of military tanks 15,398 military tanks.

#16 China has the maximum number of active duty military force (2.18 million).

#15 Sweden is the only country that did not fought any war since 1814.

#14 world war 2 is the most destructive war ever happened with over 85 million casualties.

#13 Israel is one of the most powerful nation that's why Israel never lose any war.

#12 The shortest battle that was ever recorded was the conflict between United kingdom and the Zanzibar sultanate.this conflict last between 40-45 mintutes in 1896
 Aug 27.

#11 Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Vatican city, Spain and Ireland did not fought in second world 2.

#10 The first war was took place in 2700BC which was fought between the Sumerians and Elamin.

#9 The US navy is the most powerful navy in the world with 300,000 active navy personnel.

#8 The longest war that had ever taken was 
Reconquista it's duration was 774 year. It was fought between Christian kingdom and Muslim moors.

#7 The most terrifying weapon that was used in World war 2 was the Atom bomb. Which cause a huge damage to the Japan. 1,29,000-2,26,000 civilians were killed. 

#6 During Civil war over 6,20,000 soldiers were died of US.

#5 2 Japanese officers were exercuted on war crime because they both held contest to be the first to kill 100 enemies by their sword.

#4 The defence budget on armies in 2020
US $750,000,000,000
China $237,000,000,000
Saudi Arabia $67,600,000,000
India $61,000,000,000.
United kingdom $55,100,000,000.

#3 Delta force (USA) is the most elite force in the world.

#2 Turkey is the most powerful muslim nation in the World.

#1 On 25 Dec ,1914 the most interesting event occur, World war i  was stopped for 1 day.the soldiers of world war shook hands with enemy soldiers sang Christmas carols and songs,played football and dance with each other.
Because of the eve of Christmas day.


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