What if you were born in space?

what is the colour of our mirror??? Do you know

Hello guys welcome to my blog today i will tell what is the colour of the Mirror.and also some other facts.
So enjoy.

#20 Last time when Liechenstein fought war with Italy.Liechenstein sent 80 soldiers to war and 81 came back.1 Italian soldier came with them who wanted to live in Liechenstein.

#19 There are too many island in Philippines. that if you visist each every day it will take 21 years to visit all the islands.

#18 Giraffes use their own butts as pillows for sleeping.

#17 In Terminator movie Arnold speaks only 18 lines and less than 100 words.

#16  A coronary Bypass surgery in USA costs around $106,385 and the same surgery costs in India is $1,583.

#15 Octopus have only 6 arms while 2 others are their legs.

#14 There is an 103 year old Orca whale named as Granny which is older than the Titanic.

#13 There is a penguin in Japan whose name is La La everyday he goes to the town by himself and collects fish from local fish shop.

#12 The longest recorded sniper kill was from 1.54 miles away by Craig Harrison.it took about 6 seconds to reach it's target.

#11 Sweden pays $187 to the high school students to attend the class.

#10 There is a 30 metres wide rock standing out in the middle of Atlantic ocean which was walked on by less than 20 people - almost few as the moon.

#9 A pig once fight with a cow after getting drunk.he stole 18 beers from campsites.

#8 Once a British guy named Wesley Carrington used a metal detector for the first time and found $156,000 of roman gold in just 20 mintutes.

#7 Mosquitoes have killed more human being throughout the history more than any war.

#6 Russia is almost 2 times bigger than USA.it is so big that there are 11 different time zones here.

#5 In Instagram there are about 68% users are women and 32% users are men.

#4 Eating grapes after taking medicine can also cause death.

#3 Thigh bone is 4 times stronger than the concrete.

#2 On making one Violen there is almost 70 different types of wood is use.

#1 Did you know what is the colour of the mirror??

Explanation: humans can differ 10 million different colors, but it is hard to imagine that the mirror is neither white nor silver. It is in fact the color of everything that is expected. The perfect mirror showed all the images in the exact opposite direction (angle of reflection) and distance. Thus, the color of the mirror would be a kind of intelligent white. But as humans live in original world and  there is no perfect mirror. Each real mirror absorbs a very small amount of light. In particular, it better reflects light in the range of 510 nanometers, which is the spectrum of visible green light. So technically your mirror is bright green.

 Hope you guys love these facts😊😊
