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What is calisthenics?? How to start it

Hello guys
Today i am gonna tell you what is calisthinics and how you can start it


The calisthenics word is came from the Greek word kalos means beautiful and sthenos means strength

So calisthenics is a art or practice of using your own bodyweight as a resistance to increase your strength
And get a good physique

These are the bodyweight exercises which are performed to increase body strength
Flexibility agility and stamina. The best part of calisthenics is that you use your bodyweight instead of dumbells and machine.That is why this build pure muscles.
By performing these exercises you can master your own bodyweight and can get a good looking physique.
These exercises are consist of pull ups,pushups,dips and squats.
As you become stronger in basic exercises you can move on harder or advanced exercises like Planche, one arm pullup, victorian cross,Front lever,one arm muscle ups.

Professional calisthenics athelete doing the hardest calisthenics exercise the straddle planche

How to start calisthenics as a beginner?

You can start calisthenics any time any where because it did not require any equipment so you can start in your house or in a park.
First of all You will start with the basics like pushups pullup dips and squats after you will become stronger in basics you can move on next level.

Step 1 warm up

There are several ways to warm up like running, jogging, skipping, shadowboxing etc.do few sets of these until you feel warmup.

Step 2 Doing full body workout

In starting you can do full body workout.you can train 3-4 times a week.
You can check the workout by this link

Step 3 Take rest properly

Never do workout every day take rest properly.
